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1.1 WHAT IS CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS (COBCE) at Teleindia? Integrity is telling oneself the truth and honesty is telling the truth to other people. Teleindia believes for an organization to mature and succeed, it needs to anchor to its Values and Beliefs. Also motivate all its employees to consistently display these values in the course of their interactions for conducting business and at all times.The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (COBCE), articulated below, embodies Teleindia’s Values and Endeavours to provide the ethical guidelines and expectations for conducting business on behalf of Teleindia Networks Private Limited, including its affiliates (Entities), hereinafter referred to as “the Company” or “Teleindia”.
1.2 APPLICABILITY The COBCE applies to all employees and members of the Board of Directors of the Company. Also, to those individuals who serve the Company on contract, subcontract, retainer, consultant, external professionals or any other such basis, suppliers, service providers, and agents who serve as an extended arm of Teleindia. The extended Teleindia family is also expected to adhere to the Company COBCE in equal measure while working for and on behalf of Teleindia.
1.3 HOW TO USE THIS CODE? COBCE is designed to help to understand, recognize and deal with ethical issues which may be faced from time to time while working for or on behalf of Company. Teleindia’s policy is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, to be committed to conducting business in an ethical manner and to act with integrity in dealing with our customers, suppliers, partners, competitors, employees and other stakeholders. COBCE is a guide to help whenever there is a question arising about ethics or if faced with an ethical dilemma. COBCE may not address all the situations which may be encountered in day-to-day work. Also, it may not always be easy to determine the ethical or “right” thing to do in a particular situation. Sometimes, because of the highly complex rules and regulations that govern the way business is conducted, a decision may not be clear. It is encouraged to exercise good judgement in decision-making and when in doubt, feel free to approach a supervisor / manager or HR or other designated persons.
1.4 COBCE covers guidelines of Conduct for the below:
1. Policy and Process Integrity 2. Human Rights 3. Ethical Conduct 4. Non-Disclosure Agreement 5. Conflict of Interest 6. Protection of Intellectual Property 7. Confidentiality 8. Competition 9. Anti-Bribery & Corruption 9a. Political Activity 9b. Gifts and Entertainment 10. Unethical Transaction 11. Charitable Contributions 12. Corporate Social Responsibility 13. Use of Teleindia Brand and Logo 14. Quality of Services 15. Equal Opportunities 16. Supplier Selection & Agreements 17. Accurate and Complete Accounting 18. Settlement of Expenses 19. Protecting Company’s Assets 20. Stakeholder Relations 21. Relationship with Government and Public Officials 22. Regulatory Compliance 23. Third Party Representation 24. Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy 25. Whistle Blower Policy 26. Dress Code 27. Environment, Health and Safety 28. Diversity 29. Working Environment
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